(Peer Review + Similarity + Document) The Application of Planned Behavior Theory in Peer Reproductive Health Promoters

Widyarini, Nurlaela (2018) (Peer Review + Similarity + Document) The Application of Planned Behavior Theory in Peer Reproductive Health Promoters. Science Council of Asia, Tokyo ,Japan.

[thumbnail of 1. 18 SCA Proceeding and Article_compressed.pdf] Text
1. 18 SCA Proceeding and Article_compressed.pdf

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[thumbnail of 2. Hasil Uji Kemiripan_SCA Proceeding_compressed.pdf] Text
2. Hasil Uji Kemiripan_SCA Proceeding_compressed.pdf

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[thumbnail of 3. Peer Review Prosiding Internasional SCA.pdf] Text
3. Peer Review Prosiding Internasional SCA.pdf

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Official URL: http://www.scj.go.jp/en/sca/activities/conferences...


Many studies on the role of peer promoters of reproductive health issue have been conducted, little
have focused on predicting determinants of intention toward the behavior to promote the issue. This
research aims to investigate the role of determinants of intention toward adolescents’ behavior in
promoting reproductive health issues. We hypothesized that the determinants of intention can explain
the behavior. It consists of two studies, involving peer educators and counselors of reproductive health
promotion. Study 1 aims to identify the set of salient beliefs that peer promoters hold about the
behavior to promote reproductive health. Study 2 aims to determine which determinants of intention
promote reproductive health: attitude toward performing the behavior, perceived norms concerning performance of the behavior, perceived behavioral control in respect to performing the behavior. Study 3 aims to find model of actual behavior in reproductive health promotion, conducted 1 month after the
intervention. Our findings show that attitudes and subjective norm determines the behavior of reproductive health promotion F(3.87)=28.103; p<0.05] and explain 49.2% of variance of the

Nama Dosen Pembimbing
Ramdhani, Neila
Widyarini, Nurlaela

Item Type: Peer Review
Subjects: 600 Technology and Applied Science > 610 Medicine and Health > 614 Public Preventive Medicine
Divisions: Faculty of Psychology > Department of Psychology (S1)
Depositing User: Nurlaela Widyarini | nurlaela@unmuhjember.ac.id
Date Deposited: 17 Dec 2021 07:14
Last Modified: 16 Jun 2022 01:23
URI: http://repository.unmuhjember.ac.id/id/eprint/12356

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