(Peer Review + Similarity + Document) Meanings and Symbols of Wearing the Sarong In the Tradition Of Women In the Tengger Senduro Lumajang Tribe

SUSANTI, ARI (2020) (Peer Review + Similarity + Document) Meanings and Symbols of Wearing the Sarong In the Tradition Of Women In the Tengger Senduro Lumajang Tribe. International Jurnal of Humanities and Education Reseacrh, New Delhi India.

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The Tengger tribe still exists with its fashion style, namely by using a sarong as a symbol of identity in social life, which lies in wearing
the sarong and knot. This study aims to determine the meaning and symbols of wearing the sarong used by Tenggerese women. The method used is qualitative research. This research uses Herbert Blumer's Symbolic Interaction theory which focuses on meaning, language or language, thoughts or thoughts. The meaning and symbols in Tengger tribe women are divided into four knots and four meanings, namely, the first knot is located on the right shoulder which means the woman is a girl, the second knot is located on the left shoulder which indicates that the woman does not have a husband, the three knots which is located on the front which indicates the woman is married, the fourth knot is located on the back of the neck which means that the woman is old enough to marry but not yet married.

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Item Type: Peer Review
Subjects: 300 Social Science
Divisions: Faculty of Social and Politics Science > Department of Communication Science (S1)
Depositing User: ARI SUSANTI | ari.susanti@unmuhjember.ac.id
Date Deposited: 11 Feb 2022 06:47
Last Modified: 30 Jun 2022 07:40
URI: http://repository.unmuhjember.ac.id/id/eprint/12855

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