Kajian Evaluasi Sistem Drainase Perkotaan (Studi Kasus : Dusun Krajan, Kelurahan Ambulu, Kecamatan Ambulu, Kabupaten Jember )

Santikanuri, Arisda Maryama (2022) Kajian Evaluasi Sistem Drainase Perkotaan (Studi Kasus : Dusun Krajan, Kelurahan Ambulu, Kecamatan Ambulu, Kabupaten Jember ). Undergraduate thesis, UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH JEMBER.

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RINGKASAN Drainase adalah lengkungan atau saluran air di permukaan atau di bawah tanah, baik yang terbentuk secara alami maupun dibuat manusia. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, drainase bisa merujuk pada parit di permukaan tanah atau gorong – gorong dibawah tanah. Drainase berperan penting untuk mengatur suplai air demi pencegahan banjir. Drainase mempunyai arti mengalirkan, menguras, membuang, atau mengalihkan air. Di Dusun Krajan, Kecamatan Ambulu, Kabupaten Jember lebih tepatnya Jl A Yani sering terjadi banjir yang dapat mengganggu pengguna jalan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengevaluasisistem drainase yang berada pada Jalan A Yani. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 43 jumlah saluran yang berada pada kriteria baik hanya 10 saluran saja dengan menggunakan kala ulang 2 tahun dan penampang saluran tidak dapat menampung debit. Sehingga tinggi air melebihi penampang eksisiting yang dianalisa menggunakan aplikasi HEC-RAS. Dengan bobot nilai kinerja sistem drainase untuk eksisiting sebesar 23,3 %. Keywords: Drainase, saluran, penampang, debit. Abstract Drainage is an arch or channel of water on the surface or under the ground, either naturally formed or man-made. In Indonesian, drainage can refer to a trench on the ground or an underground culvert. Drainage plays an important role in regulating water supply for flood prevention. Drainage has the meaning of draining, draining, dumping, or diverting water. In Krajan Hamlet, Ambulu District, Jember Regency, more precisely on Jl A Yani, floods often occur which can disturb road users. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the drainage system on Jalan A Yani. The results showed that of the 43 channels that were in good criteria, only 10 were using a 2-year return period and the channel cross-section could not accommodate the discharge. So that the water level exceeds the existing cross section which was analyzed using the HEC-RAS application. With the weight value of the drainage system performance for the existing of 23.3%. Keywords: Drainage, channel, cross section, discharge.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Keywords: Drainage, channel, cross section, discharge.
Subjects: 600 Technology and Applied Science > 620 Engineering > 624 Civil Engineering
Divisions: Faculty of Engineering > Department of Civil Engineering (S1)
Department: S1 Teknik Sipil
Depositing User: arisda maryama santikanuri
ContributionContributor NameNIDN/NIDK
UNSPECIFIEDRizal, Nanang Saifulnidn0705047806
UNSPECIFIEDManggala, Adhitya Suryanidn0727088701
Contact Email Address: arisda9393@gmail.com
Date Deposited: 04 Jul 2022 01:26
Last Modified: 04 Jul 2022 01:26
URI: http://repository.unmuhjember.ac.id/id/eprint/14011

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