(Peer Review + Similarity + Document) Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan, Motivasi Guru dan Lingkungan Kerja Fisik terhadap Kinerja Guru SMAN 1 Tanggul Jember

Hendro, Bayu and QOMARIAH, NURUL and Winahyu, Pawestri (2018) (Peer Review + Similarity + Document) Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan, Motivasi Guru dan Lingkungan Kerja Fisik terhadap Kinerja Guru SMAN 1 Tanggul Jember. Jurnal Prodi Manajemen UM Jember.

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1. Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan, Motivasi Guru Dan Lingkungan Kerja Fisik Terhadap Kinerja Guru SMAN 1 Tanggul.pdf

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This research was conducted at teacher of SMAN 1 Tanggul Jember. This study aims to determine the effect of leadership style, teacher motivation and physical work environment on teacher performance. In this research the data collected by means of aids in the form of observation, interview and questionnaire to 40 respondents with census technique, which aims to know the perception of respondents to each variable. The analysis used included instrument test data (validity test, reliability test), multiple linear regression analysis, classical assumption test (normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test), and hypothesis test (F test, t test, coefficient of determination). From the analysis using regression can be seen that the variables of leadership style, teacher motivation and physical work environment, all have a positive effect on teacher performance. From t-test, the result of leadership style, teacher's motivation and physical work environment all have a significant effect on teacher performance.

Keywords: leadership style, teacher motivation, physical work environment and teacher performance

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Item Type: Peer Review
Subjects: 600 Technology and Applied Science > 650 Business > 658 General Management
Divisions: Faculty of Economics > Department of Management (S1)
Depositing User: Winahyu Pawestri | pawestri@unmuhjember.ac.id
Date Deposited: 18 Jul 2022 02:25
Last Modified: 19 Jul 2022 07:54
URI: http://repository.unmuhjember.ac.id/id/eprint/14098

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