Islamiaji, Opsi (2024) REHABILITASI EVALUASI & INVENTARIS DAERAH IRIGASI JEGONG MENGGUNAKAN APLIKASI E-PAKSI. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember.

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Abstrak Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi sumber energi air dan urgensi perlindungan, serta pemeliharaan bangunan utama dalam sistem irigasi. Upaya peningkatan efektivitas sistem pengelolaan air dari hulu ke hilir, diperlukan infrastruktur yang memadai, termasuk irigasi. Salah satu pendekatan yang diambil adalah pengembangan sistem informasi berbasis E-PAKSI (Elektronik Pengelolaan Aset dan Kinerja Sistem Irigasi). Penelitian ini bertujuan menciptakan platform yang mampu menghitung biaya rehabilitasi jaringan irigasi, mengelola data, serta melaporkan informasi yang diperlukan untuk operasi lapangan dan administrasi. Analisis kondisi irigasi di daerah Jegong mengungkapkan perlunya pemeliharaan rutin dan berkala pada bangunan dan saluran untuk meningkatkan nilai bobot total yang saat ini mencapai 54,93%, masuk dalam kategori buruk. Indikator kritis yang dinilai kurang baik mencakup prasarana fisik (19,93%), sarana penunjang (6,59%), organisasi personalia (8,61%), dokumentasi (3,25%), dan P3A (3,75%). Kondisi komponen prasarana fisik seperti bangunan utama, saluran pembawa, dan bangunan saluran pembawa sebagian besar masuk kategori rusak sedang dengan nilai masing-masing 72,30%, 66,50%, dan 60,78%. Total anggaran yang dibutuhkan untuk rehabilitasi daerah irigasi Jegong mencapai Rp. 76.033.991,70, mencakup pekerjaan tanah dan pasangan yang diperlukan untuk memperbaiki kondisi infrastruktur vital ini. Kata kunci: Daerah Irigasi Jegong; E-PAKSI; Evaluasi; Inventaris; Rehabilitasi. Abstract This research explores water energy sources and the urgency of protecting, as well as maintaining the main buildings in the irrigation system. Efforts to increase the effectiveness of the water management system from upstream to downstream require adequate infrastructure, including irrigation. One of the approaches taken is the development of an information system based on E�PAKSI (Electronic Asset Management and Irrigation System Performance). This research aims to create a platform that is able to calculate irrigation network rehabilitation costs, manage data, and report information needed for field operations and administration. Analysis of irrigation conditions in the Jegong area reveals the need for routine and periodic maintenance on buildings and channels to increase the total weight value which currently reaches 54.93%, which is in the poor category. Critical indicators that are considered poor include physical infrastructure (19.93%), supporting facilities (6.59%), personnel organization (8.61%), documentation (3.25%), and P3A (3.75%) . The condition of physical infrastructure components such as the main building, carrier channel and carrier channel buildings is mostly in the moderately damaged category with values of 72.30%, 66.50% and 60.78% respectively. The total budget required for the rehabilitation of the Jegong irrigation area reaches Rp. 76,033,991.70, covers the earthworks and masonry necessary to improve the condition of this vital infrastructure. Keywords: Jegong Irrigation Are; E-PAKSI;, Evaluatio; Inventory; Rehabilitation

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: E-PAKSI
Subjects: 000 Computer Science, Information, & General Works > 005 Computer Programming, Programs, & Data
Divisions: Faculty of Engineering > Department of Civil Engineering (S1)
Department: S1 Teknik Sipil
ContributionContributor NameNIDN/NIDK
UNSPECIFIEDRizal, Nanang Saifulnidn0705047806
UNSPECIFIEDManggala, Adhitya Suryanidn0727088701
Contact Email Address:
Date Deposited: 31 Jul 2024 01:17
Last Modified: 31 Jul 2024 01:17

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