Analisa Kinerja Fasilitas Parkir Kawasan Pasar Balung Kabupaten Jember

Dwi Prayogi, Adi (2020) Analisa Kinerja Fasilitas Parkir Kawasan Pasar Balung Kabupaten Jember. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember.

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Pasar Balung adalah salah satu pasar tradisional di kabupaten Jember yang berdekatan langsung dengan persimpangan jalan. Pasar Balung berada dikawasan pusat kegiatan seperti perdagangan, pertokoan, perkantoran dan tempat peribadatan. Sejalan dengan adanya potensi pengunjung pasar yang tinggi maka diperlukan fasiltas yang memadai seperti ketersediaan lahan parkir. Pengunjung pasar pada umumnya memarkir kendaraannya di tepi jalan atau bahu jalan. Lahan parkir saat ini diduga tidak memadai sehingga kurang optimal dalam menampung kendaraan yang parkir dan dapat berpotensi menimbulkan dampak terhadap kelancaran arus lalu lintas. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu melakukan analisa yang relevan untuk mengetahui jumlah Satuan Ruang Parkir (SRP), kinerja fasilitas parkir, ruang parkir yang dibutuhkan dan dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh kinerja parkir tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu survey secara langsung di pasar Balung dengan cara mencatat plat nomer kendaraan yang masuk dan keluar lahan parkir serta survey arus lalu lintas pada jam puncak. Berdasarkan hasil analisa kinerja parkir yang tersedia kurang optimal yaitu nilai total SRP sepeda motor sebesar 237 kendaraan dengan kebutuhan parkir sebesar 323 kendaraan, nilai total SRP roda empat sebesar 29 kendaraan dengan kebutuhan parkir sebesar 37 kendaraan. tingkat turnover parkir sepeda motor 15,99 kali/ruang dan kendaraan roda empat 6,77 kali/ruang. Nilai indeks parkir sepeda motor 183,06% dan kendaraan roda empat 140,92%. Durasi parkir rata – rata sepeda motor 27,77 menit dan kendaraan roda empat 64,05 menit. Adanya perparkiran di kawasan pasar Balung menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan terhadap kinerja jalan dimana nilai derajat kejenuhan 1,155 tingkat pelayanan jalan yaitu (F) dengan panjang antrian sebesar 391,95 meter dan nilai tundaan rata – rata adalah 99,238 det/smp. Kata kunci : Parkir, Satuan Ruang Parkir (SRP), DS, Pasar Balung ABSTRACT Pasar Balung is one of the traditional markets in Jember Regency which is directly adjacent to the crossroads. Balung Market is located in the central area of activities such as trade, shops, offices, and places of worship. In line with the high potential market visitors, adequate facilities are needed such as the availability of parking lots. Market visitors generally park their vehicles on the roadside or on the shoulder of the road. The current parking area is suspected to be inadequate so it is less than optimal in accommodating vehicles that are parking and can potentially have an impact on the smooth traffic flow. The purpose of this study is to conduct a relevant analysis to determine amount of Parking Space Units, the performance of parking facilities, the required parking space and the impact caused by the parking performance. The research method used is a direct survey in the Balung market by recording vehicle license plates entering and leaving the parking lot and surveying traffic flow during peak hours. Based on the results of the analysis of available parking performance is less than optimal, namely the total value of SRP of motorbikes amounting to 237 vehicles with parking needs of 323 vehicles, the total value of four-wheeled SRP of 29 vehicles with parking needs of 37 vehicles. motorcycle parking turnover rate of 15.99 times / space and four-wheeled vehicles 6.77 times / space. Motorcycle parking index value is 183.06% and four-wheeled vehicles are 140.92%. The average parking duration of motorcycles is 27.77 minutes and four-wheeled vehicles are 64.05 minutes. The existence of parking in the Balung market area causes a decrease in the performance of the road where the value of the degree of saturation of 1,155 levels of road service is (F) with a queue length of 391.95 meters and the average delay value is 99.238 sec / pcu. Keywords: Parking, Parking Space Unit (SRP), DS, Balung Market

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Parkir, Satuan Ruang Parkir (SRP), DS, Pasar Balung
Subjects: 600 Technology and Applied Science > 620 Engineering > 624 Civil Engineering
Divisions: Faculty of Engineering > Department of Civil Engineering (S1)
Department: S1 Teknik Sipil
Depositing User: Adi Dwi Prayogi
ContributionContributor NameNIDN/NIDK
Thesis advisorAbadi, Taufannidn0710096603
Thesis advisorBudi Hamduwibawa, Rofinidn0008057802
Contact Email Address:
Date Deposited: 27 Jul 2020 07:52
Last Modified: 27 Jul 2020 07:52

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