Improving Students’ Speaking Skill By Using Communication Game At Eighth Grade Of Smp Plus Al-Mubarak Kalisat Jember In 2018/2019 Academic Year

Nurjannah, Sholikhatun (2019) Improving Students’ Speaking Skill By Using Communication Game At Eighth Grade Of Smp Plus Al-Mubarak Kalisat Jember In 2018/2019 Academic Year. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember.

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Key word: Speaking Skill, Communication Game.

Speaking is the productive skill. This is an activity of producing words or sentences orally. However, many students can speak English as one of the problem that they face when they want to learn English. Therefore, it is necessary to do a research entitled “Improving Students’ Speaking Skill By Using Communication Game”.
In this research, the problem is How can the implementation communication game improve students speaking skill at eighth grade SMP Plus Al-Mubarak Kalisat Jember in the 2018/2019 Academic Year? The objective of this research referring to the research problem is to find out how the implementation Communication Game can improve speaking skill. Based on the research problem and the relevant theory, the hypothesis of this research is described as follow: Activity communication game for teaching speaking can improve the speaking skills of eighth grade students of SMP Plus Al-Mubarak Kalisat Jember in the 2018-2019 academic year by making a texts dialogue about Good News, Bad News Game and making the game as a competitive game.
The design of this research is classroom action research. The research subject is VIII class consisting of 22 students. The data are collected from speaking test 1 and speaking test 2. In order to get the students’ score in speaking skill is by using percentage formula.
The implementation of Communication Game was combined with individual work and made the Communication Game as a competitive game in cycle two. All of the students were active in the teaching and learning activities, and they feel comfortable because they can speak up. The results of this study indicate that the application of communication games to learning English, especially the speaking ability of successful students. This is proved that the data from the test results consisted of two types of tests namely the first speaking test cycle and the second speaking test cycle. After implementing communication games, an increase in the average value of students was obtained. The researcher concluded that there were 50% of the scores of students who had passed KKM: 13,64% came from speaking test 1, and 36,35% from the second speaking test with an increase in the average test results of 6,14 for the first test, and 6,73 for the second post.
Based on this data, 18 out of 22 students succeeded it can be conclude that Communication Game is able to improve the students’ speaking skill at eighth grade SMP Plus Al-Mubarak Kalisat Jember in the 2018-2019 academic year by individual work and implementing the game as competitive games.

Nama Dosen Pembimbing
Hanafi, Hanafi
Oktarini, Widya

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects: 800 Literature and Rhetoric
800 Literature and Rhetoric > 807 Education and Research of Literatures
Divisions: Faculty of Teaching and Education Science > Department of English Literature Education (S1)
Depositing User: Dinda Novitasari |
Date Deposited: 27 Oct 2020 03:58
Last Modified: 27 Oct 2020 03:58

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