Laeli, Anita Fatimatul (2020) (Artikel) READING DIGITAL TEXT AS A NEW LITERACY IN ELT: TEACHERS' PERCEPTION & PRACTICES. ETERNAL, 6 (2). pp. 312-327. ISSN 2580 - 5347

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Technological developments in the 21
-century impacted teaching and learning
English. One of the impacts of this technological development is reading activities and
competencies, reading experienced a phase of change from printed text to digital text. The
change from Printed text to digital text requires new literacies, such as locating information and
synthesizing online information. This case study aimed at investigating teachers' perceptions and
practices of reading digital texts in ELT. About twenty-three ELT teachers, both in junior and
senior high schools around East Java, were involved in this study. An open-ended questionnaire
was distributed to portray ELT teachers' attitudes, knowledge, and practices in reading digital
text. The study revealed that all teachers have a positive attitude toward the practice of reading
digital text. However, most teachers have misconceptions about knowledge and practice in
implementing reading digital text activities. Surprisingly, all teachers in this study claimed that
they never received a particular workshop to read digital text activities for English class.
Hopefully, this study's result could contribute to the ELT curriculum in responding to the need
to facilitate the new literacy in (online) reading and teacher professional development to develop
teachers' reading digital text competencies. However, teachers as facilitators in classroom
learning activities must recognize new literacy in online reading (especially reading digital text)
to help students achieve reading competence in today's digital-based information era.

Keywords: digital text; new reading literacy; teachers' perception

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Item Type: Article
Subjects: 400 Language
400 Language > 407 Education, Research & Related Topics
Depositing User: Anita Fatimatul Laeli | anitafatimatul@unmuhjember.ac.id
Date Deposited: 16 Mar 2021 02:11
Last Modified: 16 Mar 2021 02:11
URI: http://repository.unmuhjember.ac.id/id/eprint/8861

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