Peer Review
ER, Mahendrawathi and Wardati, Nanda Kurnia (2020) (Similarity + Document) The Impact of Social Media Functionality and Strategy Alignment to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Performance A Case Study in Garment SME in East Java. The Korea Society of Management Information Systems, Korea.
Wardati, Nanda Kurnia and ER, Mahendrawathi (2019) (Program Book + Artikel + Similarity + Sertifikat) The Impact of Social Media Usage on the Sales Process in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): A Systematic Literature Review. Elsevier Procedia, Netherlands.
Wardati, Nanda Kurnia and ER, Mahendrawathi (2019) (Similarity + Document) The Impact of Social Media Usage on the Sales Process in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): A Systematic Literature Review. Elsevier Procedia, Netherlands.