Zulka, Ayesie Natasa and Nugrahani, Ely Rahmatika (2023) Correlation Between Adaptation Readiness and Psychological Well-being in the Elderly During the Transition Period of the COVID-19 Pandemic., 2023. ISSN 2519-125x
Book Section
Zulka, Ayesie Natasa (2022) Keperawatan Jiwa. In: Keperawatan Jiwa. Penerbit Media Sains Indonesia, Bandung, pp. 177-187. ISBN 978-623-362-794-8
Peer Review
Zulka, Ayesie Natasa and Nugrahani, Ely Rahmatika (2023) Correlation Between Adaptation Readiness and Psychological Well-being in the Elderly During the Transition Period of the COVID-19 Pandemic. KnE Medicine.
Zulka, Ayesie Natasa (2022) (Similarity) book chapter Keperawatan Jiwa. Penerbit Media Sains Indonesia.
Zulka, Ayesie Natasa and SURYANINGSIH, YENI (2022) (Similarity) Evaluasi Manajemen Penyakit dan Psychological Well Being Lansia di Masa Pandemi Covid 19. Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember.