Hana Puspita Eka Firdaus, Firdaus (2022) (Similarity + Dokumen) ANALISIS KETERAMPILAN METAKOGNITIF SISWA DITINJAU DARI KEMAMPUAN PEMECAHAN MASALAH PADA MATERI LINGKARAN. Universitas PGRI Argopuro Jember (UNIPAR), LAPLACE : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika.

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Metacognitive skills are awareness in thinking about what is known and how to
apply mathematical concepts in solving problems. The components of metacognitive skills
are planning, monitoring and assessment. In this study, an analysis of students' metacognitive
skills was carried out in terms of problem solving abilities in the circle material. The
problem-solving stage used is the Dewey stage. This study aims to describe students'
metacognitive skills in terms of high, medium, and low mathematical problem solving
abilities in class VIII B SMPN 2 Bondowoso. This study used descriptive qualitative
method. The resource persons in this study were mathematics teachers of class VIII, and 6
students to be studied. This study uses data collection techniques in the form of
metacognitive skills test questions, interviews and documentation. Data analysis using data
reduction, data presentation and conclusions. Based on the results obtained, the six subjects
had different metacognitive skills in solving problems with the categories of high, medium
and low student abilities. The category determines (1) students who have high ability in
solving mathematical problems are very good and able to fulfill the 3 components of
metacognitive skills. (2) students who have moderate abilities in solving mathematical
problems are good and able to fulfill 2 components of metacognitive skills. (3) students who
have low ability in solving mathematical problems are less capable and able to fulfill 1
component of metacognitive skills.

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Item Type: Peer Review
Subjects: 300 Social Science > 370 Education
Divisions: Faculty of Teaching and Education Science > Department of Mathematics Education (S1)
Depositing User: Hana Puspita Eka Firdaus | hanapuspita@unmuhjember.ac.id
Date Deposited: 12 Apr 2023 02:03
Last Modified: 12 Apr 2023 02:03
URI: http://repository.unmuhjember.ac.id/id/eprint/16823

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