Laeli, Anita Fatimatul (2021) (Artikel) VOA VIDEO ADOPTED INSTRUCTION: AN ATTEMPT TO ENGAGE EFL STUDENTS' ACTIVE PARTICIPATION IN LISTENING ACTIVITIES. RIIL (Research and Innovation in Language Learning), 4 (1). pp. 18-30. ISSN 2615-4137

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Teaching English listening skills remains difficult for English teachers at Junior High
School, particularly in Indonesia's remote area school. This study was conducted to
portray listening activities' implementation by adopting VoA video instruction and
materials to engage students' active participation. In this study, twenty-one participants
from one of the states of Junior High school in Jember were selected based on their
English proficiency, especially in listening. The data were collected using fieldnote and
questionnaires. The result of field notes analysis reported that the implementation of
VOA engages the students to participate in listening activities actively. They are also
highly motivated to learn English and to have more practice in listening comprehension.
The result of the questionnaire shows that the students give positive responses to videos
taken from the VOA Learning English program for their listening class. Using VoA
video materials and instruction as authentic materials effectively engage students' active
participation in listening class. Consequently, the teacher needs to upgrade their ability
to use technology and select appropriate materials. The English teachers also need to
consider the importance of authentic materials such as VoA listening materials in
teaching the students listening skills. This study's results may also be beneficial for
Junior High School teachers or those interested in improving students' involvement in
Junior High School listening activities.

Keywords: English,lLearning, listening, student, participation, Video, VOA

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Item Type: Article
Subjects: 400 Language
400 Language > 407 Education, Research & Related Topics
Depositing User: Anita Fatimatul Laeli | anitafatimatul@unmuhjember.ac.id
Date Deposited: 16 Mar 2021 02:09
Last Modified: 16 Mar 2021 02:10
URI: http://repository.unmuhjember.ac.id/id/eprint/8864

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