(Peer Review + Similarity + Document) Early Reading through Storytelling Activities

Kristi, Nuraini (2020) (Peer Review + Similarity + Document) Early Reading through Storytelling Activities. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

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Official URL: https://journal.uad.ac.id/index.php/ADJES


Storytelling has been a part of children’s life. They loved being told as well as telling a story. Being told a
story made them see what has been read, and telling a story made them talk as they spoke it out. As the
children learn a language, story is one effective way for them to learn a language. This study is aimed to find
out to what extent storytelling could help young children with their early reading comprehension in terms of
story-retell. One class in one national plus school has been the setting of the study with 13 students as the
subjects. A mix method was implemented through a classroom action research design. This study came up
with a significant result that storytelling activities have been effective ways to increase young children’s retell
fluency, both in content and fluency. The help of pictures, cue cards, and flashcards has been very efficient in
helping young children to have a better comprehension in their early reading. These teaching aids had also
been able to motivate them to be more active and engaged during the class.

Nama Dosen Pembimbing

Item Type: Peer Review
Keywords/Kata Kunci: early reading, young children, storytelling
Subjects: 300 Social Science > 370 Education > 372 Elementary Education
Divisions: Faculty of Economics > Department of Accounting (S1)
Depositing User: Mrs. Kristi Nuraini | kristi.nuraini@unmuhjember.ac.id
Date Deposited: 27 Dec 2021 02:28
Last Modified: 27 Dec 2021 02:28
URI: http://repository.unmuhjember.ac.id/id/eprint/12389

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