Profil Rumah Tangga Pengrajin Batik Tulis "Labako" di Kabupaten Jember

Hadi, Syamsul and Ridho, Atok Ainur (2016) Profil Rumah Tangga Pengrajin Batik Tulis "Labako" di Kabupaten Jember. In: Pengembangan Potensi Sumberdaya Lokal Berwawasan Lingkungan untuk Penguatan Produk Pertanian Nasional Berdaya Saing Global. Fak. Pertanian Unmuh Purwokerto, pp. 432-442.

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The purpose of this study was to determine the condition of the household profile
labako batik artisans in Jember specifically reviewed in the social and economic
aspects, and Knowing batik craft labako conditions in more depth, especially in terms
of input, production process, output. The type of research is descriptive quantitative
and qualitative research methods and sample surveys are craftsmen babtik labako
wrote in Sub Sumberjambe, Patrang and Rambipuji Jember, determined by purposive
sampling. To answer the second goal this research use descriptive qualitative analysis
of the benefits and presented in tabular form for the frequency is then interpreted
and conclusions drawn inferentially. The results of this study concludes that 1)
Average household batik artisans labako classified Jember micro-entrepreneurs with
the number of employees by 5 people and sebayak production capacity of 114 pieces
of fabric per month per person or 0.89 pieces of cloth per day per person, and as
much as 53.33 % of households craftsmen do not have a side business, and has not yet
obtained an intensive coaching and adequate; and 2) average conditions batik
handicraft businesses labako Jember have access provision of production inputs is
relatively easy and as much as 25% of craftsmen have problems in the procurement
of inputs, as well as 76.66% of households stated craftsmen input prices relatively
expensive production. The average amount of production generated per month as
many as 114 pieces of fabric with an average price per unit of Rp 138,750, - and the
rate of profit as much as Rp 15,817,496, - per month and the average rate of R / C
ratio reached 1:5.

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Item Type: Book Section
Keywords/Kata Kunci: craft batik write, labako, household profile
Subjects: 300 Social Science > 330 Economics > 338 Production, Industrial Economics
700 The Art, Entertainment and Sport > 740 Drawing and Decorative Art > 746 Textile Arts
Divisions: Faculty of Agriculture > Department of Agribusiness (S1)
Depositing User: Berlian Eka Kurnia |
Date Deposited: 06 Aug 2018 04:09
Last Modified: 06 Aug 2018 04:09

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