(peer review) Efforts to fulfill stock of soybean commodity (Glycine max) through restoration of rural agribusiness development program

Syamsul, Hadi (2018) (peer review) Efforts to fulfill stock of soybean commodity (Glycine max) through restoration of rural agribusiness development program. International Food Research Journal (IFRJ).

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In 2010, the national demand for soybean commodity reached about 2,12 million tons, while
its production is only about 747,611 tons so that Indonesia must import soybean 1,37 million
tons from abroad. According to the projection that up to 2020, Indonesia will decrease soybean
production by 1,61%, but the consumption will increase by 2.64%. Implementation of Rural
Agribusiness Development Program (RADP) is expected to be one of the factors driving the
fulfillment of nasional soybean commodity demand stock. This paper explains about are: 1)
Impact of RADP on the development of domestic soybean production, especially in East Java
Province; 2) The growth rate of soybean based agribusiness in rural areas; 3) The profit level
change of processed food craftsman based on soybean raw material. The type of this research
is quantitative and qualitative descriptive research with survey, formative and summative
methods. This research took place in 2017 in Jember, Pasuruan and Banyuwangi districts. In
order to answer all research objectives descriptive analysis is used, and Test the difference t-test
average. This study reveal that 1) The development of soybean stock in East Java has decreased
relatively during the period of 2015-2016 (-2,75%) due to decrease in harvested area in the
same period that is (-2,94%) although productivity increased by 0,91%; 2) The growth rate of
soybean-based agribusiness in research location during the period of 2011-2016 experienced
an average increase of 13,99% seen from the aspect of labor absorption and on the aspect of the
number of business units actually decreased on average below 10%, but from the absorption of
manpower is quite significant; 3) The profit rate change per business unit only experienced an
average increase of 18,17% compared before the implementation of the program. The condition
shows that the RADP is substantially and its implementation has not been effective.

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Item Type: Peer Review
Keywords/Kata Kunci: Impact of RADP Agribusiness growth rate Profit
Subjects: 600 Technology and Applied Science > 630 Farm, Farming > 635 Garden Crops, Horticulture, Vegetables
Divisions: Faculty of Agriculture > Department of Agribusiness (S1)
Depositing User: Syamsul Hadi | syamsul.hadi@unmuhjember.ac.id
Date Deposited: 09 Nov 2020 00:55
Last Modified: 09 Jul 2021 03:41
URI: http://repository.unmuhjember.ac.id/id/eprint/6940

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