Fitriani, Melynda Nur (2016) The Effect Of Using SQ4R on Reading Comprehension of The Eleventh Grade Students of SMKN 3 Jember in The Academic Year 2015/2016. Undergraduate thesis, UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH JEMBER.
Ilmiasih, Holifah (2016) Improving Students’ Writing Skill and Activeness Using Collaborative Writing Technique at SMP Negeri 05 Bondowoso in The 2015/2016 Academic Year. Undergraduate thesis, UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH JEMBER.
Pratama, Yuliansyah Anugrah (2016) Improving The Seventh Grade Students’ Narrative Text Writing Abilitythrough Group Investigationat Islamic Garden School Mumbulsari in The 2015/2016 Academic Year. Undergraduate thesis, UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH JEMBER.
Setiawan, Yongky (2016) Improving The Tenth Grade Students’ Writing Ability by Using Pre-Writing Strategy at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Jember in The 2015/2016 Academic Year. Undergraduate thesis, UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH JEMBER.
Aini, Wilda Nurul (2016) Improving The Tenth Grade Students’ Writing Ability Through Two Stay Two Stray at MAN II Jember in The Academic Year 2015/2016. Undergraduate thesis, UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH JEMBER.
Rofi, Ahmad (2016) Improving students’ writing ability using diary strategy in VIII class of MTs Azzakkiah Sumber Baru, Jember in the 2015/2016 Academic Year. Undergraduate thesis, UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH JEMBER.
Yatnawati, Mega Purnama (2016) The Correlation Between Writing Skill and Grammar Ability of The Seventh Grade Students at SMPN 1 Gumukmas in The 2015/2016 Academic Year. Undergraduate thesis, UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH JEMBER.
Amalia, Ana Rizqi (2016) The Use of Questioning Strategy to Improve Reading Comprehension. Undergraduate thesis, UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH JEMBER.
Tirani, Selina (2016) Improving Tenth Grade Students’ Writing Ability and Students’ Activeness by Using Mind Mapping at Thongkum Wittayanusorn School in Krabi, Thailand in The 2015/2016 Academic Year. Undergraduate thesis, UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH JEMBER.
Budiarti, Diah Fifin (2016) The Use of Brainstorming Game to Improve Students’ Speaking Ability at Eight Grade Students of SMP Negeri Sumberwringin-Sukowono-Jember In 2015/2016 Academic Year. Undergraduate thesis, UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH JEMBER.
Purnamasari, Indah (2016) Improving The Eight Grade Students’ Listening Comprehension and Active Participation Using Cartoon Video at SMPN 13 Jember in The 2015/2016 Academic Year. Undergraduate thesis, UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH JEMBER.