(Peer review + Similarity + Document) Multiple Representation in Semiotic Reasoning

SURYANINGRUM, CHRISTINE WULANDARI and Ningtyas, Yoga Dwi Windy Kusuma (2019) (Peer review + Similarity + Document) Multiple Representation in Semiotic Reasoning. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1315 (2019).

[thumbnail of Similarity - Turnitin] Text (Similarity - Turnitin)
Multiple representations in semiotic reasoning.pdf

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[thumbnail of 8. Peer Review 1 dan 2_Multiple Representation.pdf] Text
8. Peer Review 1 dan 2_Multiple Representation.pdf

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[thumbnail of Daftar Sampul, Daftar Redaksi, Daftar Isi, dan Artikel Prosiding] Text (Daftar Sampul, Daftar Redaksi, Daftar Isi, dan Artikel Prosiding)
8. IOP Proceeding 2019-.pdf

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Official URL: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-65...


. Representations play an essential role in solving mathematical problems. By using
representations, problems that initially seem difficult and complicated can be seen more easily
and simply. Semiotics is simply defined as the sign-using to represent a mathematical concept
in a problem-solving. In Peirce’s theory, semiotic consists of three aspects, namely sign, object,
and interpretant. Semiotic reasoning is a process of deducing a conclusion based on the object,
sign (representamen), and students interpretation in interpreting the meaning of the sign
(interpretant). This paper aims to identify students’ mathematical representations of semiotics
reasoning in solving fraction problems. This study employed a qualitative approach and used
an explorative descriptive type. The participants of the present study were three third grade
students. The results show that the first participant used verbal, visual, and symbolic
representation. The emerging visual representation was an image. The second participant
solved problems by using verbal and visual representations. The visual representation that
appears was a diagram. While, the third participant solved problems by using verbal, visual,
and symbolic representations. The emerging visual representations were image and diagram.
The conclusion is the participants used multiple representations, namely visual, verbal, and
symbolic representations in solving problems.

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Item Type: Peer Review
Subjects: 300 Social Science
300 Social Science > 370 Education
300 Social Science > 370 Education > 371 Educational Institutions, Schools and Their Activities
Divisions: Faculty of Teaching and Education Science > Department of Mathematics Education (S1)
Depositing User: Yoga Dwi Windy Kusuma Ningtyas | kusumaningtyas.dwi@unmuhjember.ac.id
Date Deposited: 16 Feb 2022 07:45
Last Modified: 09 Mar 2022 08:18
URI: http://repository.unmuhjember.ac.id/id/eprint/12951

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