An Analysis of Teacher's Questioning Strategies in EFL Classroom

indriani, novi (2020) An Analysis of Teacher's Questioning Strategies in EFL Classroom. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember.

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AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHER’S QUESTIONING STRATEGIES IN EFL CLASSROOM Novi Indriani 1), Indri Astutik, M.Pd. 2), Nurkamilah, M.Pd. 3) English Education Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Jember Jl. Karimata No.49, Sumbersari, Jember, Telp. (0331) 336728, fax. 337957 Email: ABSTRACT Question is one of important elements of a learning process. There are several types of questions that can make students more interested in teacher’s explanation and answers his or her questions. This study investigated teacher’s questioning strategies used to teach in seventh grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Jember and her reasons for using questioning strategies. This study was to find out the types of teacher’s questioning strategies and the reasons of using them in EFL classroom. This study employed qualitative descriptive design. Data were collected by conducting an online interview and giving questionnaire to the English teacher who taught in the seventh grade. Data obtained from online interview were analyzed descriptively, while those obtained from questionnaire were analyzed in percentage to know types of questioning strategies from the answers such as always, often, sometimes, rarely, and never. The results of this study showed that English teacher always 100% used divergent questions in class in the middle and the end of learning process. It is used to know student’s opinion, develop their creative thinking skills and improve their knowledge. The procedural questions showed 80%, meaning that the teacher often used this type in the beginning of learning process. It is used to mantain time management, check students conditions and class routine. The last convergent questions showed 60%, the teacher sometimes used this type to get short answers from the students and helped them recall the material. For future researchers are expected to be able to develop further explanations about teacher's questioning strategies with different methods and different objects. Key Words: Questioning Strategies Types, Teacher Questions, Teacher and Students Interaction. In learning English there are several skills that need to be developed such as speaking, writing, listening and reading. Improving English skill of students needs the role of teacher. Teacher has vital roles in teaching and learning process. Without the teacher, teaching and learning processes will not run well because the teacher provides knowledge and gives direction about what students do in the classroom. According to Brown (2001) and Harmer (2007), teacher can be as a controller, director, and facilitator (as cited in Haliani, 2013, p. 1). As a controller, teacher will determine when they should speak and what language form they should use. As a director of classroom, teacher is responsible to increase student’s motivation in order to make students can follow the lesson well and actively. Also, as a facilitator, teacher will assist students in making the learning process easier and more comfortable. The objectives of this research are as follows: to find out the types of questioning strategies used by the teacher and the teacher’s reasons of using questioning strategies. Significance of the research of this study is expected to be useful for the teachers to know the questioning strategies that can be used in the EFL classroom. In addition, hopefully the result of the study can help teachers in conducting questions in EFL classroom. Teachers can know the types of questioning strategies and it can beneficial information to conduct EFL classroom. After knowing types of question, teachers can try and decide what types to be applied in EFL classroom. Method In this research, using qualitative descriptive research method. According to Shank (2002) defines qualitative research as “a form of systematic empirical inquiry into meaning” (p.5). By systematic he means “planned, ordered and public”, following rules agreed upon by members of the qualitative research community. By empirical, he means that this type of inquiry is grounded in the world of experience. Inquiry into meaning says researchers try to understand how others make sense of their experience. The research started with an online interview. The researcher ask to the English teacher to join in Google Meet application using link that already made by the researcher. In online interview, the researcher need the Eglish teacher to answer some questions that already made by the researcher and explain it which questioning strategies that usually, the reason using questioning strategies in EFL classroom include to a bad experience and interesting experience and and the impact of using questioning strategies on student responses. This research also used questionnaire, the researcher needs the English teacher to answer the questions that already made by the researcher about questioning strategies. The researcher used the Likert Scale to select several statements in the questionnaire that had been presented. There were 8 questions and total 32 statements, that statements must be filled out by the respondent based on the 5 Likert Scale; Always with a score of “5”, Often with a score of “4”, Sometimes with a score of “3”, Rarely with a score of “2” and Never with a score "1". After getting the data from those two instruments, researcher analyzed the data by using model analysis from Miles and Huberman as stated in Sugiyono (2018). Those were data reduction, data display, and conclusion/verification. Result and Discussion The responses and answers of interview and questionnaire have been reduced into several categories of questioning strategies and the teacher’s reason using questioning strategies. The result in this study showed 100% that English teacher always used divergent questions in class, it occured in the middle and the end of learning process, the teacher used it to know student’s opinion, develop ther creative thinking skills and improve their knowledge. The procedural questions showed 80% it means the teacher often used this type in the beginning of learning process, the teacher used this type to mantain time management, check students conditions and class routine. The last convergent questions showed 60%, the teacher sometimes used this type to get short answers from the students and help students to remember the previous material. In procedural questions, the teacher asks questions to check student's condition, teacher's routine and time management in the class. It is supported by research result from Juvrianto (2017), who stated that procedural questions used to ask about classroom procedure and routine, and classroom management as opposed to the content of learning. It also supported theory from Richards and Lockhart (2007), who argue that procedural questions are questions related to class routines and classroom management, which are different from the content of learning. The question is used to ask something outside of learning. The second is the teacher sometimes gives convergent questions in the middle of the learning process. The teacher used this types of questions to get the same answers as yes or no answers or short statement from students. There are several materials that did not require deep thought thus only required short answers by students so the teacher used this type of question. This type of question was given by the teacher to asked individuals and group in the same class. For example, when explaining the material about tenses, short answers by students are preferred. It is supported by research result from Juvrianto (2017) convergent questions are often had short answers, such as yes or no or short statements. The third is the teacher more often used divergent questions. The teacher used this type of question because the teacher wants to know the students’ understanding and expects them to deliver their own opinions to answer the teacher's questions. The teacher provided the questions that can develop students creative and critical thinking skills. It confirms the research result from Juvrianto (2017), that divergent questions require responses which are not short answers and to provide their own information. It is in line with the theory from Richards and Lockhart (2007) who posited that divergent questions are questions that encourage student’s diverse or broader responses, not short answers and require students to engage in higher-order thinking. They encourage students to provide their own information rather than to recall previously presented information. Research results obtained by researcher were different from previous researchers, the mastery level students were different. Previous research was conducted at Senior High School, where as in this study it was conducted in specific Junior High School in grade 7. The results of this study mostly the English teacher used divergent questions to asked questions on the teaching and learning process. The goal was the researcher wants to knew the extent of the student's ability to capture the teacher's explanation by answering long questions. Previous research by Astrid, et. al. (2019) entitled “The Power of Questioning: Teacher's Questioning Strategies in EFL Classroom” which was held at one Madrasah in Palembang. The results of they research show that teachers mostly used types of convergent questions, and the reasons used these types were increasing student's thinking in higher order levels and engaging students in learning activities. Conclusion In this study, there were two research problems discussed. The first was the teacher's questioning strategy used in the EFL classroom and the second was the teacher’s reason of using those types of questions. From the data analyzed in this study the types of questions used by English teachers were procedural, convergent and divergent questions. The teacher used procedural questions at the beginning of learning process. In addition, the teacher used convergent question in the middle of the learning process, but she used this type of question when discussed material that did not require deep thought. The last, the teacher used divergent question in the middle and the end of learning process. 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Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Questioning Strategies Types, Teacher Questions, Teacher and Students Interaction.
Subjects: 400 Language
400 Language > 401 Philosopy and Theory
Divisions: Faculty of Teaching and Education Science > Department of English Literature Education (S1)
Department: S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Novi Indriani
ContributionContributor NameNIDN/NIDK
Thesis advisorastutik, indrinidn0707107303
Thesis advisornurkamilah, nuramilahnidn0716049301
Contact Email Address:
Date Deposited: 14 Oct 2020 01:36
Last Modified: 14 Oct 2020 01:38

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